So you thought only moms could hijack blogs?!?!? Well, we got news for you, there are also multilevel crime organizations that are interested in such practices!?!?!?! And we have some demands:
1) Root beer in all the drinking fountains, and we mean everywhere, not just at school. 2) More and more affordable lacoste shirts!?!?!?! 3) Longer weekends (and we don't mean more days... we mean actually somehow making them longer).
Unless our demands our met, you most likely won't get another post for at least a week?!?!?!?!?!?!
1) Root beer in all the drinking fountains, and we mean everywhere, not just at school. 2) More and more affordable lacoste shirts!?!?!?! 3) Longer weekends (and we don't mean more days... we mean actually somehow making them longer).
Unless our demands our met, you most likely won't get another post for at least a week?!?!?!?!?!?!
ok... I am out of the blog loop for a bit and look what happens. All sorts of crazy blogging going on here.
Also, Mom, what's with you commandeering Brian's blog??!!?
I'm so confused!!
P.S. Love the classic goose in the background. What was with the 80's and geese decor??!?!? 'Member the peach bow too? Peach in the 80's was hot. HAWT!
P.P.S. I don't remember too much about taking this actual picture. But I remember LOVING that dress. You can't tell in the pic, but it had sparkly dots all over the skirt part of it. I remember not liking that that part was kinda scratchy, but thinking "Oh well, gotta have the scratchy to get the pretty, sparkly"
Fashion over function I tell you.
P.P.P.S. Notice the little cross-legged elf to Brian's right. That was always a favorite ornament. Love those guys!!! Didn't they come from your tree growing up, Mom?
If you look carefully, you may note that I am in the exact same pose as said elf ornament. Coincidence?
what in the world is going ON here..
Dear Evil Hijackers~
I seriously think this is my most favorite thing that has ever happened to Brian's blog. But please, do not hurt him. The root beer thing is a bad idea by the way.... have you even thought of the long term repercussions? All that processed sugar in the mouths of innocent civilians, the cavities in America would sky-rocket. Clearly you are more evil than I originally thought. This may or may not be a ploy to generate a greater need for dentists, therefore helping out a fellow partner-in-crime RAW-B... (yeah there is no foolin me, I know who really is in charge here.) So… you tell your boss that he is just not getting away with this kind of terrorism. I am taking this up with the White House as soon as I get my phone. Since that will probably not be until the end of this next election, and considering the declining overall moral conscience of this nation, you can bet Hilary will not be putting up with this kind of shenanigans.
A Concerned Individual
ps i tried to visit you last night because i have FINALLY finished My Antonia and i wanted to return it. LOVED IT, by the way.
and, good luck with the hijacking. personally, i think the demands are quite reasonable....
ok this is just creepy.......
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