Monday, February 18, 2008

To The Point

So, I can honestly say that this was the worst valentines day I've ever had. If you know me, you already know why, if not, don't ask.
On an unrelated topic I do think it's appropriate that our celebration of love coincides with the death of a martyr.
Laura, I'm sorry that you never got the flowers, just wait till it stops raining though, there'll be poppies all over for you.

P.s. I found this picture of myself floating around the internet.


sodapop said...

you sing and love like a bird. conversation hearts are kind of like fortune cookies. always so timely, always so true. you most certainly were good to get that ink panther on a tribal symbol on your back. laura, his word is good on the poppies.

Anonymous said...

he he he! Sorry about your valentine's bud, but cheer up, you look like a hot, sexy model in that pic. Like I said, this was the best time in your life for that to happen, It could have been a worse situation, he he

Guileless Mom said...

love bird?? More like, hottie with a body!!

And V-day is overrated.

Meg Duffy said...

Brian, I will never forget that time behind the book shelves in the library. I picked you for my desktop background... duh!

MJ said...

aw that infamous tat.

Meg said...

Brian... I really hate that picture of the dead child angel... I mean... really.

Anonymous said...

hey, make sure you vote on the commercials on my blog, fool. mamma didn't raise no fool.