Saturday, December 15, 2007

No Swell, Oh Well

This is what we did on Thanksgiving. If you pay attention, we fall after almost every trick.
p.s. My brother-in-law edited this and chose the music. I like how he chose a song that makes obvious references to drugs. Thanks Joe.


Meg Duffy said...

Brian it won't play on my computer... dangit. I want to seee it.

MCA said...

Dear Brian:

Please feel free to record some Brian-Boyer-deemed-appropriate-music for the video. Since I don't have a license for Tim's wonderful music, I can't put it in the real video anyway.


Now is a chance for you to be a star--cause seriously, this video is more of what J-man can do, not what B-ran can because B-ran spent most of the evening hiking back up the wash from that excessive showing of speed.